“Wielkopolanie” did not have too much time for break to rest during holidays. In June and July dancers showed themselves twice in Sompolno, Olsztyn, Kołobrzeg and in Poznań, twice. In the end of July group was going to International Festival in Turkey. Unfortunately, two weeks before event organizators announced, that festival was not going to take place. However, “Wielkopolanie did not resign. At 2 of September goup danced in Mieścisko. It was the fifth time when audience from that town could see group’s dancing skills. After mass, everybody went to the park, where, after opening ceremony, group danced for the gathered audience and Harvester’s Day organizators. In artistical repertoire, excluding dances and songs from Wielkopolska region, audience saw dances from Rzeszów, Beskid Ślaski, Kraków Wschodni and national dances: kujawiak, oberek and krakowiak. After event dancers had been surprised by householders of that well done organizated event. New, beginning season will be difficult for group. After several days is going to take place lot of concerts.
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