Folkloristic group „Wielkopolanie” returnem from another journey. This time we went to Czech Republic for VII International Folklore Festival In Krasna Lipa on June 17-19, 2016.
The first time Wielkopolanie presented on stage on Friday, presenting almost one hour artistic program. The festival took part groups from Russia, Slovenia, Poland, and local groups from Czech Repubic. Saturday was hardworking for all participant of the festival. The official part of the festival started to parade through the street of Krasna Lipa. Colourful procession, of singing and dancing dancers paced street of the charming town In the Czech Republic. Despite unfavourable weather condition, rainy clouds appeared in the sky above the square of Krasna Lipa. In the center of the city there was a lot of viewers. Wielkopolanie presented on the festival stage Dance, szamotuły and rzeszów, as well as polish national Dance: kujawiak, oberek and krakowiak. Czech audience rewarded polish dancers with applause for ther performances, which was the greatest reward for participants departure. On Saturday evening tere was also a folk party integration, every team encouraged others to have fun, cultivating their native traditions. Sunday was a time of well-deserved rest. The whole group sent several hours In the centrum Babylon In Liberec, using swimming pools attractions and integrating each other. A weekend In the Czech Republik was certainly a nice opportunity for the presentation of the polish culture and also the integration of the team. The departure was attended by many dancers who have joined the ranks of Wielkopolanie less than a year ago. We hope this is just the beginning of their adventure with the Folkloristic Group „Wielkopolanie”.