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After 16 years break in October 2013 the 8th all-Poland Artistic Groups of Polish Country Festival took place in Kielce. Voivodeship Cultural Centre which was the organizer, introduced eleven folk groups from different regions of Poland. For three days in one place there was the occasion to watch traditional folk dances, musical instruments, colourful national costumes and listen to the song characteristic for different regions.TOP FOR WIELKOPOLANIE

The aim of the festival is to foster the interest in folk culture, popularization of traditional folk dances, giving the folk groups the possibility to present their artistic achievements and registration and evidence of folk dances. The project is directed to dance folk grouTOP FOR WIELKOPOLANIEps for grown-up person from Poland.

Best eleven Polish folk groups presented themselves on the stage in Kielce. It was: Regional song and dance folk group “Boczki Chełmońskie” (łódzkie province), Song and dance group “Lubenka” (pokarpackie province), Regional group “Koniaków” (śląskie province), “Pod Borem” group (mazowieckie province), Song and dance group of Górale Czadeccy “Pojana” (dolnośląskie province), Kashubian song and dance group “Kościerzyna” (pomorskie province), Regional group “Mogilanie” (małopolskie province), Song and dance group “Jadowniczanie” (małopolskie province), Song and dance group “Sorbin” (świętokrzyskie province), Song and dance group “Leśnianie” (świętokrzyskie province) and Folk group “Wielkopolanie” (wielkopolskie province). Competitive performances were judged by jury led by Anatol Kocyłowski – dancer, choreographer, stage designer, stage manager, academic lecturer and expert of polish section of C.I.O.F.F. He was supported by Jolanta Dragan – ethnographer, musician, the custodian of Folk Culture Museum in Kolbuszowa, Jacek Jackowski – musician, musicologist, research worker of Musicology Department in Polish Art Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and Tomasz Nowak – doctor, ethnomusicologist, dance anthropologist, research worker of Musicology Institute of Warsaw University. Jury Secretary was Michał Stachurski – musician of Voivodeship Cultural Centre in Kielce.

Folk Group Wielkopolanie presented the program entitled “Wielkopolskie ostatki” consisting of dances and songs from three regions of Wielkopolska:TOP FOR WIELKOPOLANIE

“W gościńcu” – dances and songs of Biskupianie from area of Krobia and Domachów

“Idziem sobie po rożnie” – the carnival custom of walking scarecrows from west Wielkopolska, area of Dąbrówka Wielkopolska

“Poznański Podkoziołek” – dances and games at the end of carnival presented by ancient inhabitants of countries of Poznań, current Poznań’s quarters and Bambry Poznańskie.

The program was accompanied by three authentic folk bands. They were playing on different traditional music instrumTOP FOR WIELKOPOLANIEents like bagpipes, violin or clarinet and contrabass. The dancers of Wielkopolanie presented also the costumes characteristic for every region.

The bands were judged in two categories – groups presented genuine folk and artistic groups presented folk compiled for the stage needs.

On Saturday, after two days of performances, the integration meeting “Na weselną nutę” took place in the seat of Voivodeship Cultural Centre. All groups presented wedding songs and dances characteristic for their regions. Everybody has the occasion to learn and collective dance. Over four hundred of artists has the possibility to have good time with the music from different regions of Poland played live and with people from other groups.

In the early morning on Sunday, the colourful parade of all groups in traditional, regional costumes went by the streets of Kielce finished in cathedral were there the ceremonial holy mass took place in the intention of the festival and its participants.

After mass the concert of prize-winners took place in the Cultural Centre. In the category of groups presented genuine folk the first prize won the Song and dance group “Lubenka” and in the category of groups presented folk compiled for the stage needs the first prize won the Folk Group Wielkopolanie. TOP FOR WIELKOPOLANIE

The second prizes were presented to Song and dance group of Górale Czadeccy “Pojana” and Regional group “Mogilanie”.

The third prizes were presented to Song and dance group “Jadowniczanie”, Regional group “Koniaków” and Song and dance group “Leśnianie”.

The laureates were awarded by memorial diplomas and prizes founded by Regional Secretariat of Krajowa Sieć Obszarów Wiejskich in Kielce.

The 8th all-Poland Artistic Groups of Polish Country Festival was the real folk feast, fulfilled with dance, music and songs.

The management and dancers of Folk group Wielkopolanie warmly thank the management and personnel of Voivodeship Cultural Centre in Kielce.

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