After welcoming all guests, to change pace from herdships of usual trainin
g, the Council prepared a special tasks for new dancers.
Among them was a competition of recognizing folk costumes from different regions of Poland, and also dance and singing competition. Candidates competed strongly with each other, the best of them received folk gifts. Everyone had a chance to compete in groups. During bowling contest, the best group and the best player was selected.
The winner was Malwina, this year’s new dancer!!!
Integration Meeting for Folkloristic Group Wielkopolanie was held in Sports and Recreation Center in Poznan. To the sound of folk music artists could get to know each other, compete in contests and check their knowledge of folk culture.

Nowadays Wielkopolanie are dancing in schools and kindergardens in Wielkopolska. In November during special concert tour with national dances Wielkopolanie will visit 80 educational institutions. Dancers are going to present costumes, music and steps of polonez, mazur, kujawiak, oberek and krakowiak.
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