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Polish dance tournaments under the patronage of the Polish Section of CIOFF (International Council of Folklore Associations, Festivals and Folk Art) take place in various Polish cities, usually once a month. Couples, appearing in formal attire, compete on the dance floor for the tact of Polish national dances (different depending on the age category) and are judged by the jury. These types of tournaments are a beautiful form of cultivating Polish dance traditions.
The only such tournament in the Wielkopolska Province is the Polish Dance Tournament for “Wielkopolski Bat”, which this year celebrated its 5th anniversary.
On October 20 at the Sports Hall at the Junior High School in Wronki on the dance floor, more than 150 pairs, competing in both the national and regional dances, presented their artistry. There were ensembles from almost all over Poland on the dance floor, including  Folkloristic Group “Wielkopolanie” of the Provincial Public Library and the Center for Culture Animation in Poznań.
“Wielkopolanie” competed both during the Polish Dance Tournament and in the Regional Tournament, in which they showed the beauty of the Wielkopolska dances from the Szamotuły region.
The jury included Jan Łosakiewicz (main judge), Anna Gryszun (judge from Krakow), Monika Hildebrandt (judge from Zamość), Dariusz Skrzydlewski (judge consultant from Warsaw), Ewa Miś-Krzemińska (judge from Nowa Ruda), competition during the Tournament Jan Łosakiewicz (main judge), Jadwiga Banaś (judge from Poznań) and Piotr Kulka (judge from Poznań) rated the regional.

The dancers of the Folkloristic Group “Wielkopolanie” were classified very highly by taking:

In the Regional Tournament:
1st place in category V Wojciech Frącek and Magdalena Zgoła
2nd place in category V Mikołaj Szymański and Weronika Gramse
3rd place in category V Tomasz Sabok-Rzepka and Agata Pospiech
6th place in category V Hubert Gramse and Nicol Krzyżanek
in category V Daniel Powroziewicz and Zofia Bróździńska and Mikołaj Koczorowski and Oliwia Lorenz
1st place in category IV Filip Laskowski and Maja Murmiłło
6th place in category IV Mateusz Luma and Anna Rzepnicka

In the Polish Dance Tournament for “Wielkopolski Bat”
2nd place in the VA category Tomasz Sabok-Rzepka and Weronika Lempe
2nd place in the VB category Mikołaj Szymański and Adrianna Szymaniak
4th place in the VB category Hubert Gramse and Nicol Krzyżanek
6th place in the VB category Mikołaj Sierpiński and Weronika Gramse

The tournament in Wronki is a real festival showing not only the beauty of Polish culture, but also contributes to the preservation of the dancings and traditions of Wielkopolska from oblivion.
Nationwide Polish Dance Tournament about “Wielkopolska Bat” took place thanks to the support of the Mayor of the City and Wronki Commune as well as organizers of the “Open to Folklore” People’s Culture Association, Wroniec Culture Center, Wroniec Culture Association, “Marynia” Folklore Group and Polish Dance Committee of the Polish Section of CIOFF.

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