During one month preparations took place for the II edition of “Tańczą z nami”. Twice a week “Wielkopolanie” went to Kostrzyn for trainings to teach dances people who decided to take part in the competition. On the stage presented:
Grefling Mariusz – known person in Kostrzyn
Jędrzejczak Konrad – soltis from Brzezia
Leszczak Magdalena – english teacher from the school complex from Brzeziny
Meller Krzysztof – councilor of the city of Kostrzyn
Szał Zdzisława – teacher of the basics in the Primary school in Siekierki
Świerczyńska Cecylia – teacher of the p.e in Gimnasium of European Council in Kostrzyn
Zwierz Mieczysława – teacher of the p.e in Gimnasium of European Council in Kostrzyn
“Wielkopolanie” were represented by: Galasiński Jan, Jaworska Hanna, Kolasińska Marta, Lesiuk Grzegorz, Lesiuk Katarzyna, Lewandowski Marcin, Tokarz Tomasz and Szymański Mikołaj. After few hours of characterization on 26th of October was heard the first sound of the performance and on the scene appeared Ewa Czajka – Director of the urban house of culture and Wiesław Krupa and started to present the competitors. The first part was started by the song “Miłość Ci wszystko wybaczy” sung by Ewa Czajka. This song started the part of “waltz” session. On the stage presented theirselve : Martha with Mariusz, Zdzisława with Grzegorz, Hanna with Konrad, Magda with Marcin, Cecylia with Tomasz, Mieczysława with Jan and Katarzyna with Krzysztof.
Polka is the second part of performance. Headmaster, Ewa Czajka begins with song called “Kostrzynianka”, after that on stage appeared dancers dressed like kindergarten kids, redneck girl with nasty rooster, farmers, clown with cheerful girl, elegant lady with lady-killer and hunter with german girl. Third part is freestyle. On stage performers presented bohemian dance, samba, cha cha, hip – hop, rock&roll and twist, all after song “Sex appeal” sang by Ewa Czajka, where Mikołaj Szymanski, member of the “Wielkopolanie” presented his dancing skill. All that was finished with performance by “Office Girls” – ladies from Kostrzyn Urban Office. Girls danced perfectly polka with boys from folkloristic group.

Choreographies for the performance were written by: Ewa Czajka, Hanna Jaworska, Katarzyna Lesiuk, Adam Kijewski and Piotr Kulka, who also was concert director.
All concert was a great performance. Hundreds of viewers, who were standing even in the windows of Urban House of Culture to see dancers, gave an great applause to them.
Applause was endless.
“Wielkopolanie” send thanks to the headmasters of Urban Center of Culture in Kostrzyn and all of lovable Kostrzyn inhabitants.