On 24th , 25th of November and 1st of December 30 teachers from Wielkopolska started to learn the most beautiful national dances and dances of our region. The first was polkas basic step despite the fact it is not a polish dance but it appears in all regions of Poland and it is obligatory to know it to later learn the Wielkopolska dances. After the polka teachers learned steps of national Krakowiak. Cwał, kulawa, drobiony or the konikowy steps were easily remembered by the teachers and they easily managed to learn hardest figures like hołubce which were made in square. After the powerful national Krakowiak was the time of regional dances of Wielkopolska. Wiwaty, przodki, Marynia, Gołabek were fast learned by the teachers from the course in school nr 77. Teachers had an occasion to learn the freestyle and two other national dances : kujawiak and polonez. After 20 hours of the course teachers got helpful materials, cds with the music and the diplomas. The leaders of the course were Ms Jadwiga Banaś and Mr Piotr Kulka and the accompanist Ms Barbara Florek.
Folkloristic Group “Wielkopolanie” wish teachers a lot of successes in work with children and many beautiful choreographies of national and regional dances.
Folkloristic Group “Wielkopolanie” wish teachers a lot of successes in work with children and many beautiful choreographies of national and regional dances.
PK tł.TT