On 20-21 of February during Educational Fair in Poznań in the program presented by Adam Mickiewicz University there were dances and songs performed by Wielkopolanie. During concerts man could see dances from their genuine region, Beskid Śląski, Krakowiak Wschodni. Gathered people could also watch the impulsive national Krakowiak Dance together with Konik Zwierzyniecki.
Folk Group Wielkopolanie occurred in the program promoting the Adam Mickiewicz University thanks to the agreement undersigned in the beginning of October by University and Public Library and Animation Culture Center. The aim of the agreement undersigned by Rector Professor Bronisław Marciniak and director Helena Bednarska is the cooperation between the Wielkopolanie Group and the University in the field of trainings, promotions and development of those institutions.
In this years fair, on the main stage, Wielkopolanie promoted Adam Mickiewicz University together with Chemistry Department, Athletics and Sport Department, Pedagogic and Artistic Department, Educational Study Department and Law Department.
Management and Dancers of Wielkopolanie render special thanks to Mr Marcin Witkowski.