National and Wielkopolska’s dances have been involved into November program for teachers organized by Teacher’s Improvement Center and Folkloristic Group “Wielkopolanie”. Around 30 form-masters have got possibility to know and learn some Wielkopolska’s and national dances. “Wiwaty” and “Wielkopolskie przodki” have met with large interesting from participants. As well during 20-hour course teacher’s has got possibility to learn some simple steps and figures of Krakowiak, Polonez and Kujawiak. Except the practical part of course, in which teachers passed by hard working. For them were organized a performance presented by several turnier pairs from “Wielkopolanie” and Folkloristic Children Group “Cepelia – Poznań”. This performance has introduced the listeners into prevalent in the whole Poland stream of Polish form dances.
Course lecturers were: Mrs. Jadwiga Banaś, Mr. Piotr Kulka and accompanist Barbara Florek.
Courses presented by Teacher’s Improvement Center and Group “Wielkopolanie” has met with large interesting and no longer in February 2010 will be organized the next grade course.
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