24 / 09 / 07


 wielkopolanie conquered 39th...

From 20-24 September Folklorist Group “Wielkopolanie” take part in X Zeliarijada – Vegetables Day.  It is similar to polish harvest day.

On the first day in Croatia, “Wielkopolanie” resolved to visit Zagreb.  It wasn’t so hard to found some interesting monuments in that city. The historical part of the city to the north of Ban Jelačić Square is comprised of the Upper Town and Kaptol, a medieval urban complex of churches, palaces, museums, galleries and government buildings that are exceptionally popular with tourists on sightseeing tours. At night the same day “Wielkopolanie” gave excellent performance.
 wielkopolanie conquered 39th...

Next day “Wielkopolanie” began from visit in the mayor residence.  At about 10 o’clock in the morning group take part in internationally parade together with 15 others folklorist groups. After that priest began ceremonial Mass. Before departure “Wielkopolanie” have danced their national dances. There were about three thousand spectators. Dancers said that they would have remembered Croatia for a long time. 

HJ tł. WO

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