The supreme authority of the Convention is the Conference of the Parties to the Convention (COP), the sessions of which are held regularly (once a year) and aim at establishing the rules of implementation of UNFCCC (The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change). The subsidiary bodies (SBs), the Bureau, the Secretariat and the authorities established by the COP: working groups, export bodies and committees also operate in its scope.,he government delegations of the 190 countries which have ratified the Convention (the Parties to the Convention) and observers took part in the negotiations and sessions of the Conference. Representatives of international and non-governmental organizations along with scientists had to elaborate preliminary agreement on climate protection, which will be signed next year in Copenhagen.
In addition to the plenary sessions and the meetings of working groups, the agenda of the Conference includes a number of side events (presentations, seminars, happenings and exhibitions) as well as those preceding the COP (events, debates etc..), with the main purpose of drawing attention to the problems related to global climate change. Large activity in this scope is demonstrated by non-governmental organizations which are numerously represented at the Conference and the host. Over 10 000 guests had an opportunity to experience polish culture and art. “Wielkopolanie” appeared in front of international audience on stage in the Hall 5 of Poznań International Fair on the 5th of December.