19 / 06 / 07


„WIELKOPOLANIE” AND JACEK KOWALSKIJacek Kowalski is an profesor of history of art at Adam Mickiewicz University as well as an singer who with the aid of word, pictures, architecture and music invites to get to know and to love so important part of our culture that is Sarmatia (that is complex of qualities making up a Pole of the old stamp).
Recording for the Polish Television was related to the book of Jacek Kowalski, Indispensable book of the Sarmatia. Ballads, songs, polonaisies. which was published in April this year together with CD recorded with Group of St. Louis.
The event took it’s place in beautiful scenery of tavern “Młyńskie Koło” that is situated in Antoninek, one of the quarters of Poznań.
Jacek Kowalski and the Group of St. Louis have presented for gardened guests old polish songs and ballads accompanied by such instruments as renaissance lute, positive, mandolin, szalamaje, virginal, flutes or viola da gamba.
„WIELKOPOLANIE” AND JACEK KOWALSKIDancers of Folk Group “Wielkopolanie”: Agnieszka Głowacka, Weronika Lewandowska, Radosław Pawliński and Piotr Kulka have danced intrata from the 17th century in choreography of Leszek Rembowski and the final dance was polonaise danced together with all the guests.

Recording was enduring until the midnight and effect of that work we will see in September at TVP Kultura Chanel.

We invite cordially


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