„We bear the harvest, the harvest…”

Folk harvest festivals have for years been associated with thanksgiving rituals for the completion of the harvest and field work. The main evolution of this custom took place in the 16th century, when harvest festivals appeared in the manors of landed estates. Of course, this custom was practiced much earlier and was referred to as uplanding, trimming, wreath or coronary worship, and it was probably related to the original cult of plants and trees, and then to primary agriculture.
Although in a different form, the harvest festival that has survived to this day is a holiday for all farmers, and celebrated at the turn of August and September, it has come to many villages in Poland.
In 2024, Folk Group “Wielkopolanie” participated in the County-Municipal Harvest Festival in Dalewo and the County-Municipal Harvest Festival in Lipiniec. It was there that the traditional blessing of harvest wreaths and ceremonial bread baked from this year’s grain took place in the parish churches.
Wreaths, traditionally carried to the host after the harvest, which, in addition to cereal plants, contained wild flowers, ribbons, and sometimes vegetables and fruits, were finished with woven crowns, crosses or hosts. They, as well as bread, became a symbol of this year’s harvest, used during harvest festival rituals performed by “Wielkopolanie”.
“We carry the harvest, the harvest…” sang dancers dressed in traditional Greater Poland costumes from the areas of Krobia, Domachów and Szamotuły. Over forty performers introduced the large audience to the summer and autumn traditions and customs of Greater Poland. The hosts also had the opportunity to dance on stage with “Wielkopolanie” and then, according to tradition, handed over this year’s loaf of bread to the mayor of the city. They were the ones who went out to the gathered people, revelers, sharing the bread they received (this custom was introduced in the 1980s).
After the official ceremonies, Folk Group “Wielkopolanie” performed during a concert, presenting dances and songs from various regions of Poland. In addition to the native folklore of Greater Poland, “Wielkopolanie” showed dances and songs of the Silesian Beskids, Eastern Kraków lands and the Spisz region. The colors on the stage, the dynamics and spontaneity of the dancers were applauded by the large audience.
Harvest Festival is celebrated not only in Poland but also in other European countries, although in a form other than the traditional one, it has become a permanent part of the calendar of summer and autumn holidays. It is the largest and most important harvest festival of the year, the culmination of farmers’ year-round work.