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From 22- 23 October 2016 in Wronki city took place II National Tournament of Polish Dances „ Wielkopolski Bat”. Wielkopolanie couldn’t miss occasion to participate in it.

Polish National Dances Tournaments for many years are becoming more and more popular. In 2002- 2006, Regional Public Library and Culture Center together with Mrs. Jadwiga Banaś and Mr. Piotr Kulka organized National Tournament “ Poznańska Bamberka” in Poznań City. After few years of break in tournament  organization in Wielkopolska Region Hanna and Jan Galasińscy decided to make every effort to ensure that this form of cultivation of Polish dance traditions will return to our region. Thanks to tremendous support of the Mayor and Municipial of city Wronki- Mirosław Wieczór, the association of Culture Friends and the Cultural Center form Wronki for the third time organized tournament in absolutely national wide scale. The Sports Hall was turned into ballroom. With artificial light, beautiful scenery, among huge audience pairs competed in the Polka, Krakowiak, Oberek, Kujawiak and Mazur Polish dances. In the national tournament “ Wielkopolanie” set two pairs. Hubert Gramse and Nicol Krzyżanek won 2nd place in the category VD and Tomasz Sabok- Rzepka and Weronica Lempe took 4th place in the champions category- VA.

An unique event take place during this tournament. There is completely new category for regional dances- which are from Szamotuły Region- which is region of  Wronki City. In this competition Wielkopolanie presented 4 pairs. As a result of several weeks of preparation all pairs qualified to the finals. After presentation of Przodek and Poniewierany dances jury composed of:

  • Łosakiewicz Jan- Judge Expert, V-ce Chairman of the CIOFF
  • Jadwiga Banaś- Judge of the Polish Section of the CIOFF
  • Piotr Kulka- Expert of Wielkopolska region

Decided to give following notes for dancers:

  • First place was taken by Szymański Mikołaj and Adrianna Szymaniak
  • Second place took Wojciech Frącek and Weronika Lempe
  • Third place for Hubert Gramse and Nicol Krzyżanek
  • Sixth place took Daniel Powroziewicz and Kinga Ejsymont.

It is worth mentioning that in this tournament pairs from Children’s Group “ Cepelia- Poznań” and folk group “ Marynia” presented outstanding performances thus they had very high final positions.

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