From the beginning “Wielkopolanie” met the Arabian culture, just in the airport ther were welcomed by the funny organizators who were also chefs, drivers, translators and guides. The first hour in the bus “Wielkopolanie” spent with Arabian music which was played in traditional Arabian bus radio-it accompanied our group during whole journey. On the same day was the opening meeting with organizators and other groups from India, Kosovo, Greece. After meeting all groups went for the expected rest.
Monday was the day for acclimatization and visiting center of Amman. With the organizators our group went to the old part of the city and visited royal mosque of the king Abdullah the II. In the way back to the hotel we started to sing with Indian and Serbian groups and we started our first friendships. After we came back to the hotel we played till the morning.
For the 12ve of February was planned the opening ceremony performance where our group presented dances and songs of the mountaineers from Beskid which made the audience very enthusiastic. After the performance groups learned typical dances of Jordan in the corridor of the hostel.
On the next days groups visited Jerash on of the most famous cities of Jordan which was set by the Alexander the Great on IV century before Christ. There was no time for sightseeing because dancers had to prepare for the performance. The great performance was the second point set for that day. First, dancers made a beautiful parade through the city. After coming back to Amman groups once again played through the whole evening.
The morning of the next day was quite free so “Wielkopolanie” used the time for beting with local traders. In the afternoon all groups went to as-Salt where we presented folklore of Rzeszów and Eastern Cracov.
Friday was the special day because it was the day of the official joining to our group of three girls : Magda, Hania and Ania. They had to make taks prepared by the rest during all the day and in the evening we prepared special ceremony. Dancers wore special costumes of Jordan and all the groups gathered in the Hostel dining room.
The last day was also very special and gave us many attractions. We visited city Rantha which is the border city with Syria. We visited museum of the Izrael-Arabian War. WE visited traditional local pub where we tasted traditional coctail served in restaurants in Jordan and we could taste traditional Jordan pipe. After the time of relax we took part in the closing ceremony where we presented the whole programme and we listened the official speeches of the organizators and the representants of the Jordan government. We were called the ambassadors of the Jordan in Europe. After coming back to the hostel it was the time for the last meeting with other groups which ended early in the morning when the folkloristic group “Wielkopolanie” went to the airport.
That’s the end of the journey to Jordan and we are waiting for the next trip and we will see what will happen…