Standing ovation for Folk Group "Wielkopolanie"!

On February 2nd, artists from Folk Group „Wielkopolanie” gave an unusual concert of carols and pastorals in the Church of Our Lady of Częstochowa in Poznań.
Over 100 artists from three groups of „Wielkopolanie” presented the most beautiful carols and pastorals from Wielkopolska region, specially prepared for this concert. The concert included pastorals from many subregions of Wielkopolska, including the areas of Dąbrówka, Krobia and Domachów, as well as Kalisz. They were accompanied by traditional instruments such as: goat bagpipes, bagpipes from Wielkopolska and sierszenki. “Wielkopolanie” strongly cultivate and popularize the traditions of their region, not only in instruments, but also in singing and costume.
Pastorals – Christmas songs originating from folk tradition, are often more secular in nature and tell the story of Christmas in an accessible and colourful way, using simple, folk language and vivid metaphors. Sung by three groups of “Wielkopolanie” and their soloists, they won the hearts of the gathered listeners.
The musical and vocal group „Pastuszkowi Grocze” from Zbąszyń participated in the concert as guests. It consists of children, youth and adults who are members of the Goat Bagpipers Bands and Regional Folklore Groups from the Zbąszyń area on a daily basis. The group’s intention is to sing and play carols and pastorals in a way similar to the time of their creation.
The concert of carols and pastorals ended with a standing ovation.