"Spisz" region culture for children

At the turn of September and October, the Folkloristic Group “Wielkopolanie” dancers went on an educational route around schools, kindergartens and nurseries of the Wielkopolska region. Performing in almost 70 places showed the richness of costumes, dancing and singing of the Spisz region
The concert dance program included legends, songs and dances, including “klepok”, polka, waltz, “kulawy” and dance games, in which Poznań artists and participants of concerts enjoyed themselves. Pre-school and school children learn mainly through play, including folk play. It naturally enables the child to meet its basic developmental needs, including the need for movement, joy, creative experience and expression of experiences, satisfying curiosity, social contacts and improving independence.
Fun and related folk dance is an exciting form of work with children. Through its simplicity and, at the same time, spontaneity, dignity, cheerfulness, and fantasy, it is the carrier of more profound content, among others, patriotic. It is not only movement achieving artistic expression but also human education: socio-moral, mental, aesthetic, and physical education. From the beginning of human history, dance has accompanied man, and over the centuries, new possibilities have been discovered in it. Over 2,500 listeners, both children and adolescents, had the opportunity to learn about dances and costumes, listen to the band playing in a regional instrumental line-up, and thus see the region’s cultural diversity.
The educational concerts organized by “Wielkopolanie” are to bring children closer to Polish regional culture, which is part of the national culture, to let them learn about its richness and diversity, old traditions and folk customs, and above all, to develop a sense of national identity, pride and patriotism in children.
The group’s management would like to thank Artandmusic – Mały Muzyka Club for preparing the route.