From 1st to 19th of October over four thousand children could watch the national dances of our country. „Wielkopolanie” travelled over two thousand kilometers to show what is the most beautiful in our culture – polish national dances. And they presented themselves in Pozanań, Luboń, Kórnik, Borówiec, Puszczykowo, Chorzemin, Wolsztyn, Grodzisk Wlkp, Oborniki, Swarzędz, Nekla, Dopiewo, Tarnowo Podgórne, Słocin, Kamieńsk, Strykowo, Modro, Rokietnica and Gołęczów.
Dancers presented polonez, mazur, krakowiak, oberek and kujawiak in costiumes characteristic to each dance. Everybody, but mostly the youngest were incredibly astonished by dances and the way pewople used to wear in the previous centuries. Of course the favourite one was costium of Kraków and very jumpy dance presented in it. Children had also opportunity to practice krakowiak and kujawiak with dancers.
After finishing 60 auditions „Wielkopolanie” begin to prepare artistic programme, which they are going to astonish citizens of Taiwan. It’ll be the 40th country visited by „Wielkopolanie” in their history. In this farest travel they are going on 1st of November. After return „Wielkopolanie” won’t have time to rest. They are beginning education of pupils of Wielkopolska in the domain of our region’s culture. They’ll present in 40 kindergartens and schools of Wielkopolska.
Dancers presented polonez, mazur, krakowiak, oberek and kujawiak in costiumes characteristic to each dance. Everybody, but mostly the youngest were incredibly astonished by dances and the way pewople used to wear in the previous centuries. Of course the favourite one was costium of Kraków and very jumpy dance presented in it. Children had also opportunity to practice krakowiak and kujawiak with dancers.
After finishing 60 auditions „Wielkopolanie” begin to prepare artistic programme, which they are going to astonish citizens of Taiwan. It’ll be the 40th country visited by „Wielkopolanie” in their history. In this farest travel they are going on 1st of November. After return „Wielkopolanie” won’t have time to rest. They are beginning education of pupils of Wielkopolska in the domain of our region’s culture. They’ll present in 40 kindergartens and schools of Wielkopolska.
PK tł. BM