„Hej Kapela Serca wszystkich nas zachęca, do pomocy wszelkiej i przyjaźni wielkiej” – you were able to hear those words from a stage during final pefromance Kapele Serc on 5 June. This event was held in Poznań for the second time. The arranger of it was Stowarzyszenie Sympatyków Kultury Ludowej „Otwórz się na folklor”, while on the stage peformed Folkloristic Group and also Children’s Folk Group “Cepelia-Poznań”.
That Sunday evening in Centrum Kultury Dąbrówka was full of joy. The audience that showed up numerously was able to see the very new artistic program especially prepared for this event. Oczepiny Bambrów Poznańskich started the show, the dance is a new one in the programme of “Wielkopolanie” and it was prepared by Piotr Kulka, based on a cooperation with Mirosława Bobrowska and Ethnographic Museum in Poznań. The audience was impressed by traditional dances and songs, cornets and wedding bonnets. The next dance was a debut of the youngest members of Children’s Folk Group “Cepelia-Poznań” – the game of children that lived nearby Kraków in the village. After that the audience had an apportunity to see how do the games from the past look like nowadays.
In the second part of the concert they shown a little bit different folklore than we are used to. A prelude to this part was a perfomance of Zuzanna Paprzycka and Karolina Kocik that presented a beautiful interpretation of a folk „Tam na brzegu jeziora”. Afterwards were there Polish national dances presented. Firstly in a traditional way and then in formal clothes in a form that they are presented on tournaments of Polish dances. The next, also very interesting show was modern dance. “Wielkopolanie” presented this dance style in a choreography done by Ewa Sobiak. As the special, final dance almost 50 dancers performed krakowiak.
The concert was led by redactor Anna Przewoźniak whose charm and grace undoubtedly influenced on the way how the event was percieved. The charity auction with very attractive objects had finally an impact on the amount of money that was given to Hospicium Palium in Poznań. The whole income from the concert was 7471,37zł. This amount will help the hospice in Poznań to build a new ward.
The event was held under the honorary patronage of Marek Woźniak – the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region and Jacek Jaśkowiak – President of Poznań. Medial patronage – Radio Merkury and TVP Poznań.
The organizers would like to kindly thank Teatr MplusM, Centrum Kultury Dąbrówka and a company Strauss Group for their help in the organisation of this event. Thanks a lot to all the performers for their time and involvement to make this concert happen.
HG tł. MK