13th of April 2018 folk group ,, Wielkopolanie’’ invited for concert named ,, From Greater Poland to the Tatras’’. During the concert which was organized in theater ASZ TEATR dwelling due to courtesy of Ms Anna Szymczak group program was submitted for verification by experts from the International Council of Associations of Folklore, Festivals and Folk art CIOFF. Folk group ,,Wielkopolanie” for several donez years deal with Polish Section CIOFF and for every five years program measure remarkable choreographers and musicians that they could represent culture from Poland and Greater Poland on festivals all over the world.
This year ,,Wielkopolanie” was evaluated by:Mr Janusz Chojnacki, remarkable choreographer, expert of Polish Section CIOFF as well as MR habilitated doctor Tomasz Nowak of Institute of Musicology at the University of Warsaw, an expedition of the Polish section and CIOFF.
In the program of the concert represented for the folk group ,,Wielkopolanie” filled to the brim, he presented ,, W goscińcu-play of Biskupian” – a dances from the area of Domachow, Krobi and Gostyn, ,,Poznanski Podkoziek”- habits of old Poznań village inhabitants, ,,Idziem sobie po rożnie”- habits of Dąbrówka Wielkopolska, ,,Wezme ja żupan”- nobility dance, ,,Barbara świeta o górnilach pamięta”- dances and songs from Upper Silesia, ,,Werbung”-last dance by boys from Spisz who where going for a war, ,,Oj siano, siano”-inhabitants of East and West Cracow with a horse.
Spectators paid particular attention to stage presentations of ,,Wielkopolanie” based on old habits and customs of the closest to their heart of the region. ,,Wielkopolanie” with great breath cultivate national dances and songs from Greater Poland present in costumes which were appreciated not only by the large audience, but also by experts.After concert team management met with the experts. Program of folk group both in the choreography of dance music, singing and costumes were rated very high and again for 5 years we will be able to show the beauty of folk tradition at festivals and concerts all around the world.
It will happen already on May 29, when ,,Wielkopolanie” go on their 112th artistic trip this time to the International Folk Festival in Russia, which is just under the auspices of CIOFF (the International Council of Associations of Folklore, Festivals and Folk art).
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