In April 2019, the dancers of the Folkloristic Group “Wielkopolanie” continued, started in March, another educational tour of the Wielkopolska educational and cultural institutions, together with the Poznań Philharmonic. On the stages of schools and kindergartens, accompanied by sounds of live music, Poznań artists presented dances from the vicinity of Dąbrówka Wielkopolska presenting the numerous audience gathered characteristic steps, figures and choreographies of Wielkopolska dances specially prepared for this tour. During the concert “Wielkopolanie” they visited 91 centers of culture and education presenting themselves, among others in Baranów, Kórnik, Borówiec, Poznań and many, many other villages and towns of your province. All concerts were widely appreciated by the audience. The participants could admire the artistry of the Wielkopolska dancers who, through dance, implement new educational forms and shape the musical and dance imagination. Young viewers could also get acquainted with the traditional folk instrument, a wedding goat, characteristic of this region. Participants of the concerts could not only listen to the game on the goat, get acquainted with its history, construction, and also with the dancers of “Wielkopolanie” to play and dance to the sounds of this type of bagpipes. Educational school concerts is an idea to enable contact with the culture and art of the young and the youngest audience. “Wielkopolanie” have been going on concert tours for many years to raise children and youth among the values of Polish culture, with particular emphasis on dance and folk music. The concert is complementary to school programs related to broadly understood culture.