is celebrated since IV century. Through all this years it has shaped cultural and religious customs. Most of them have vanished but some are still in use. Pagan habits blended with Christian ones. One of the most beautiful Christmas traditions is singing the carols which is being done since many ages by polish nation.
What is more, carols are a living sign of old days, it connects us with them thanks to its simplicity and characteristical sense of humor.
They consists of dignity,
thoughtfulness, misery, melancholy and sensuality.
Considering all of this, we can say that carols are songs both ecclesiastical and mundane, happily sang in church and at homes.
With the most beautiful carol “Bóg się rodzi” Wielkopolanie started they Christmas Eve meeting at 17th of December.
Not only members of our group participated in the feast but also friends and former dancers of “Wielkopolanie”. With the band playing we were all singing polish carols. After the official part we have shared the traditional wafer.