24 / 06 / 20

Bagpipes confrontations

National Confrontations of bagpipes Bands under the aegis of the Provincial Public Library and the Center for Culture Animation in Poznań have permanently entered the calendar of the city of Poznań. This year’s edition, despite the complicated sanitary situation caused by the spread of the coronovirus, in an unusual setting took place on June 20-21. Its implementation became possible thanks to the financial assistance of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Marshal’s Office of the Wielkopolska Province and the Poznań City Hall.

For many years, confrontations have been combined with presentations of piper and goat bands, a bagpipe instrument competition, workshops for young musicians and a seminar on the protection of folk music and instruments specific to our region.

Every year among the traditional bands from all over Poland, the musicians of the Forge of Tradition of the Folklore Group “Wielkopolanie” participate on stages and workshops. Teachers and students show the beauty of baggage and goat traditions by performing songs characteristic of individual subregions of Greater Poland. Goats, bagpipes, violins, mazanki on which Poznań artists are educated resound delighting the gathered audience.

In this year’s festival of bagpipes in Poznań, musicians from all over Poland participated in traditional workshops for young musicians, a seminar dedicated to the protection and popularization of bagpipes traditions, which were recently entered on the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO, as well as in a concert of folk musicians on the Old Market . On Sunday, the competition for the builders of bagpipe instruments and luthier instruments accompanying bagpipes in the band was also decided.

Confrontations is a two-day festival, it is a meeting not only of musicians, but also of bagpipe builders who bring their instruments. They are evaluated by specialists in terms of performance and sound quality in line with tradition. Making such an instrument using traditional methods requires several months of arduous work and high qualifications, which is why there are only a few bagpipe builders in Poland.


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