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From the 1st of September 2010 in schools in Żydowo, Nekla, Targowa Górka, Tulce i Zasutowo education project called “As it was in old-time Poland” was carried out.

The main objective was to experience importance of Adam Mickiewicz’s epic”Pan Tadeusz” for the Polish culture. It was also kind of farewell for school students with this book which is no longer in the new core curriculum. On the basis of this epic work of literature pupils of mentioned schools read parts of the work, learned to dance polonaise and krakowiak dances, enriched their repertoire of songs by selected works of F. Chopin and improved their interest in art (by doing models of mansions and houses of era in which “Pan Tadeusz” was set up).

Youth from the school in Tulce conducted various activities under the care of teachers. Students participated in dance, music and art workshops in Cichowo at the open-air museum “Soplicowo”. Throughout the time of polish language lessons they explored extensive excerpts from the epic and recited selected passages even during recitation contest. They made models of Polish manor houses and illustrations for “Pan Tadeusz” as well as prepared multimedia presentations. They learned to dance polonaise and krakowiak and prepared performances of Moniuszko and Chopin songs. They also participated in the contest of knowledge AS IT WAS IN OLD-TIME POLANDabout “Pan Tadeusz”.

Students at the final concert presented with extraordinary zeal and enthusiasm dances they learned, as well as recited passages of great national epic.

Folk Group “Wielkopolanie” was invited to the concert to perform national dances for gathered guests. Dances, skillfully woven into the concert, highlighted the nature of a bygone era presented by students of the school in Tulce. Costumes, music and the dance style along with the students’ discussion about life of people living in old-time Poland helped to bring the image of times in which our ancestors lived to numerous audience.

The work of students and teachers who had stayed after hours to perfect the singing and dancing during their work on project, as well as national dances performed by the “Wielkopolanie” were rewarded with thunderous applause.

                                                                                                                        PK tł PW

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