07 / 08 / 23

A dancing day in Olsztyn!

Wszyscy tancerze

On July 21 and 22 of this year, the XXIX Nationwide Polish Dances Competition “Warmia 2023” took place in Olsztyn, gathering many folk dance groups from various regions of Poland. The aim of this type of competitions is to promote Polish national dances through the rivalry of dance couples who present their skills on the dance floor in formal attire, performing: krakowiak, oberek, kujawiak, and mazur, and in younger categories, also polka. Judges evaluate their presentations, and the competition itself is an excellent opportunity to present the social form of dance.

The Folk Group “Wielkopolanie” also participated in this event, preparing intensively for many weeks before. Their presentations of kujawiaks, krakowiaks, obereks, and mazurs impressed the jury, resulting in the following placements in different categories:

– 1st place – Kamiński Wojciech and Kulka Maria in category IVB,

– 2nd place – Pawlak Filip and Szczepanik Antonina in category I,

– 2nd place – Kamiński Wojciech and Kulka Maria in category IV open,

– 2nd place – Krobski Maksymilian and Czaińska Oliwia in category VB,

– 3rd place – Wawrzynek Tymon and Kirchner Adrianna in category IVB,

– 8th place – Czaiński Mikołaj and Lewandowska Maria in category IVB,

The competition was organized by the Cultural Association „Folk Song and Dance Ensemble Warmia” with partners and sponsors.


TW and WK

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