Stanisław Horbik
Music Director
A musical director of The Folkloristic Group Wielkopolanie, a musician and a prominent expert on Wielkopolska (Greater Poland) music folklore.
He began his adventure with music at the age of ten, with accordion lessons in State Music School in Gniezno. Then he studied the trumpet in M. Karlowicz Secondary School in Poznan. He graduated from The Higher School of Music in Poznan, from the Faculty of Musical Education.
Since 1979, Stanislaw Horbik has been a musical director of Folk Dance Ensemble Cepelia-Poznan, known today as Wielkopolanie. He conducts vocal classes and band rehearsals. In 1979, he took up a job of a music teacher in an elementary school in Lubowo. In 2002 he started cooperation with a middle school as an art teacher. He prepared their vocal band and a choir for numeorus competitions, reviews and other occassional events.
From 1981 to 1996, Stanislaw Horbik conducted music classes in Youth Detention Center in Pobiedziska. He resocialized the adolescents through music.
Moreover, Stanislaw Horbik graces many nationwide and provincial events with his performances, what has been improving an image of the region and the country. His attitude develops positive features among youth.
Since Sep 1st 1979, Stanislaw Horbik has been a musical director of the Folkloristic Group Wielkopolanie. He is a remarkable creator of musical arrangments for the group, which has been awarded numerous prizes in nationwide and international reviews. Moreover, he has taken part in many Polish Nationwide and Regional Folkloristic Groups Reviews, Folk Art Fairs in Cracow and Warsaw, as well as a well-known annual charity event of Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.
Stanislaw Horbik is a co-creator of a videotape about Wielkopolska (Greater Poland) folklore and a CDs with christmas carols and regional dances.